Adding value and identifying opportunity

Our client, a significant player in the technology and innovation space, needed to understand how an innovation ecosystem added value across the business and what opportunities they were missing.


Our Discovery phase revealed that value drivers across the business were highly contextual and so no single solution would be appropriate. Four clear themes emerged through the Discovery and Ideation sessions which were; connection & customer experience, commercial, talent and collaboration. Our Ideation phase uncovered two overarching themes around value creation and measurement.


We identified several areas for active investment of both time and money. We provided particular focus around those that were currently negatively impacting the culture of the ecosystem. We highlighted commercial blockers that we’d uncovered and presented a number of exciting opportunities that emerged through ideation sessions. We also proposed key improvements and additions across the board. These included building confidence and advocacy and the creation of designated customer and collaborative spaces. We encouraged the organisation to ensure that events were of a consistently high standard (including the introduction of Service Design and OKRs). Some recommendations incorporated specific selection criteria to ensure that decisions would be made that would add strategic long-term value. Others related to proposition and marketing enabling future proofing and ensuring the optimisation and widespread awareness of USPs.


We provided a set of Minimum Viable Initiatives (MVIs©) to assist the business in moving from their current state to the desired future state of achieving their objectives. We plotted these across an estimated impact vs effort graph to highlight the three that would make the greatest difference for the least effort. This was designed as a way of enabling change with tangible results to grow confidence in the process. We were subsequently invited back to fulfil a further project focused entirely on developing the partner model we’d proposed to ultimately drive the share price up.

Adding value and identifying opportunity

Rokker are our trusted partner for Proposition and Go-to-market strategy. We appreciate their integrity, the quality of their ideation and their robust design-thinking approach which focuses on value and identifying opportunity creation. Not only are the solutions they recommend based on solid research and rationale, but they are also presented with practical implementation steps to translate theory into practice. The Rokker team are personable, diligent, detail oriented, data driven, inspiring, energizing making them really great to work with!”

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