Empowering leadership

Our client, a cutting-edge media and technology company, required support in equipping one of their business-critical leadership teams to come together to connect, learn and gain perspective.

The team had undergone significant change as a result of a major reorganisation earlier in the year and so it was the perfect opportunity to bring alignment against a ‘group purpose’ and vision.


We took the Empowering leadership team on our off-site two day ‘Away Days with Purpose’ to help them to step outside of their everyday roles and focus on themselves and coming together as a team. 


The programme included our ‘Culture of belonging’ framework exploring mattering at work, connection and community, performance as an individual and a group and how to lead in tomorrows world.


We did this alongside exploring the teams purpose, to bring clarity of purpose and vision for the way forwards.


As ever our programme was tailored to the needs of the clients people and so we delivered specific content around the key areas of:

  • Individual strengths
  • Team strengths
  • Creativity
  • Emotional Agility
  • Supporting our people

All of this was well received with exceptional feedback and we look forward to seeing the benefits borne out in the organisation over time as we continue to work together.

Empowering Leadership

‘As always, a great duo, friendly, open, encouraging and challenging us’


‘Jim & Hazel bring massive credibility and science in a very engaging way to help us drive performance conversations forward in a human-centric way’


‘Effortless chemistry; great mix of domain expertise and informality’


‘Immediately integrated with the group and maintained that connection throughout. Built two days that flowed seamlessly’

Fancy talking to us?

If you would like a free no obligation conversation with one of our consutants then please get in contact.

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