Our client needed to gain further insight to be able to move into an interesting and potentially profitable adjacent new market that they hadn’t yet been able to penetrate. Process The Discovery Phase involved conducting a GAP analysis to identify the necessary requirements in the target sector and examining our client’s business from various perspectives… Continue reading Moving into new markets
portfolio_category: Proposition
Optimising technology platforms
Our client required assistance in identifying the challenges that were impeding a prominent consumer websites ability to swiftly introduce innovative products to adapt to evolving customer needs. Rokker partnered with a global product agency that has a presence in 3 different locations in the UK to manage this complex project, offering various consumer-facing products… Continue reading Optimising technology platforms
Gaining insight into the global loyalty sector
Our client sought to understand how customer loyalty was elicited outside of the US land based global loyalty sector they operate in, to consider new regions and verticals they might permeate and thrive in. Process We started by establishing the context for the project, understanding the cause of disruption in the loyalty space and examining… Continue reading Gaining insight into the global loyalty sector
Making adjustments to achieve sustainable competitive advantage
Our client needed a greater understanding of the competitive landscape and how to adjust their structure and operation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Process Upon defining the core challenges and success metrics we proceeded with the Discovery phase. This included key stakeholder interviews in a ‘no holds barred’ unpacking session. This helped to identify where… Continue reading Making adjustments to achieve sustainable competitive advantage
Exploring opportunities for expansion
Our client commissioned us to research and explore opportunities to expand their product offer and reach a new customer base. The project was largely informed by analysis of their market and associated product and service providers. Process Using our agile Design Thinking methodology, we deconstructed our clients’ product so we had a benchmark to compare… Continue reading Exploring opportunities for expansion
Developing a strategy to reconnect with key customer segments
Our client made fundamental changes to their sales model which caused a disconnect with key customer segments. Rokker were brought in to advise on developing a strategy to reconnect their proposition and their people. Process Context is key. Our first task was to gain an understanding of the creative landscape and the challenges faced by… Continue reading Developing a strategy to reconnect with key customer segments
Market positioning for competitive advantage
Our client needed insight into their market positioning in order to gain competitive advantage. In an increasingly crowded and commoditised IT services space, our client needed to develop a compelling brand strategy to stand out. So Rokker undertook research and consultancy to inform and direct their proposition. Process Our agile Design Thinking methodology utilises four… Continue reading Market positioning for competitive advantage
Gaining alignment for growth and competitive edge
Our client recognised that they were competing against low budget automated services and wanted to know how to position their personalised recruitment service for its next phase of growth. Rokker were asked to undertake research and consultancy around their proposition, people and process to bring strategic alignment for the way forward. Process Rokker’s Discovery phase… Continue reading Gaining alignment for growth and competitive edge
Technology vendor selection for a Local Authority
Rokker was engaged to validate technology options for a new content management system (CMS) for a local authority as a key dependency in implementation of their digital content strategy. Process Our discovery process drew from the clients’ internal sources including running a series of workshops with core internal teams. We built upon the MoSCoW from… Continue reading Technology vendor selection for a Local Authority